Form of Government
The City of Mullins is run by a Council form of government. This consists of six council members and a City Administrator. All city government is headquartered in the modern City Hall which also houses the Raymond Pridgen Auditorium where most public meetings are held.
City Council Meeting Schedule
Mullins City Council meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month with the exception of holidays. Meetings are currently being held at the Municipal Complex located at 151 E Front Street, Mullins, SC. Meetings begin at 6pm. Prior notification will be provided by Council for any change to the dates and time of meetings. Special Called meetings may be held at any time with a twenty-four hour notice provided to the public. All meetings are open to the public with the exception of Executive Sessions.
Watch the most recent City Council Meeting on the City Facebook Page
Citizens Request to Speak
Citizens must sign in before the Council meeting begins to address Council during the meeting. Each citizen will be allowed 3-5 minutes for comments – groups are requested to appoint one speaker. No questions will be answered. This portion of the meeting is for citizens to notify council of their concerns and issues.

City Council