If you are having any issues with your trash service please call 843-464-9583 extension 5.
City of Mullins services residents within city limits. If you are a new resident a cart will be ordered when you activate your water & sewer account with Grand Strand Water & Sewer Authority. Your sanitation charge will be billed with your water bill from Grand Strand. GSWSA can be reached at 843-765-4539.
Garbage Collection Guidelines:
* Place containers curbside with proper access for collection the evening BEFORE collection.
* Cart handle should face the street with the container lid completely closed.
* Only City of Mullins garbage carts will be serviced. Private containers not designed to be collected by City of Mullins equipment will not be serviced.
* Carts requiring repair or replacement due to normal wear and tear will be available at no extra charge.
* Lost or stolen containers will be replaced for a one-time $65.00 fee. Contact City of Mullins Customer Service to request a cart or make a report following the City's website homepage links.
* Garbage bags/items outside of collection cans will not be serviced.
* Additional collection carts are available at a monthly cost of $26.42.
Yard/Green Waste Collection Guidelines:
* Green waste includes grass clippings, leaves, and branches.
* Green waste should be separated into two piles:
* PILE 1: Loose material like leaves and grass (in bags)
* PILE 2: Woody waste like limbs and branches
* Block sidewalks, drainage grates, or ditches
* Place green waste near items that may be damaged and/or prevent collection such as vehicles, fences, mailboxes, telephone poles, low hanging trees, or power lines
* Mix with household trash, construction, and demolition material
Bulk Waste Includes:
* Mattresses and box springs
* Furniture
* Appliances (please remove doors)
* Plastic playsets, plastic houses, trampolines (please disassemble)
* Lawnmowers (please remove all fluids and/or oils)
* BBQ Grill (remove tanks)
Special Preparation:
* Needles/sharps (place in a rigid container and tape shut)
* Paint (mix with sand, saw dust or kitty litter and leave the lid off)
* Carpet and Vinyl Flooring (cut into 5 foot seconds, rolled, and tied)
Prohibited Material:
The following items will NOT be collected:
* Construction and demolition debris including concrete, brick, block, wood, asphalt, gypsum, drywall, salvaged building components, window, etc.
* Ammunition and explosives
* Car/Marine Parts
* Tanks (propane, fuel)
* Lead acid batteries
* Radioactive items
* Bio-medical waste
* Cooking, heater, kerosene oils
* Automotive/Marine Fuels/Small Engine liquids, oils, fuels and/or filters
* Electronics (TVs, computers, gaming systems, cellular devices)
* Tires
Have more trash to get rid of? City of Mullins and Marion County provides Residential Waste and Recycling Centers which are located throughout the county to provide convenient self-disposal drop off stations for residents.
Marion County Recycle Center Marion County Landfill
2631 Senator Gasque Road Red Bluff Court
Persons with disabilities must complete a "Special Service Form" filled out and signed by their physician to be approved for special service collection. Please contact City of Mullins for more information.
Holiday Schedule:
Collection will occur on the next day following the holiday depending on the day of the week that the holiday occurs. For example, if a holiday falls on a Monday collection will occur on Tuesday. If a holiday occurs on the weekend collection schedule will not be affected.
City of Mullins observes the following holidays:
* New Years Day
* Martin Luther King Jr. Day
* Memorial Day
* Independence Day
* Labor Day
* Thanksgiving Day
* Christmas Day
Public Works